
Thursday, April 24, 2008


UTAH Rocks!

And so does Arizona!
And the Navajo Nation!!

Came back on Monday afternoon, after 10 days in the deserts of Utah and Arizona. Although I never got to see that specific location that I was dreaming about, our eyelids now carry dozens of stunning views engraved inside them, along with Lots of new places, lots of different weather (from the hot Zion to the snowy slopes of Bryce), lots of people and lots of stories.

And - LOTS of rocks and red dirt. So many textures and lines and shapes and colors - and so, so many photos... The above is a tiny sample of the hundreds (yup) that I took.

Oh, and one shirt that has the brilliant title of this post.

Now it's time to get back to the suburban life, and try to digest all that we've seen. More details to come, I think.

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Those are beautiful places. Someday I want to see them again.

Someday I'd like to Retire someplace similar. {sigh}

Glad to have ya back and can't wait for the painting(S)!
I should have left some of the red sand in my shoes, so I could empty them out in my office, and have some memories until the cleaners come by!
great views!
Blueberry, beautiful indeed. I truly wasn't expecting SUCH majestic beauty.

Michael, Great minds, eh?

The JohnnyB, Uhm, y'know, you kinda emptied that red sand on the living room floor. Too bad indeed you did not save it for the office...

Yev, the man of few words: Yup!
Hi, Nava - LOVE that abstract rock scene in the top left - boy, Nature can sure be creative!!!

More, more!!

I was just about to come post on your blog "I miss you!" and you're back. Thank god, I was going into serious Nava withdrawal.

I love the Utah rocks shirt - given Offspring's love of rocks. How cool! Cannot wait to hear more about the trip.

Glad you're back!
welcome back Nava & Johnnyb!!!!!!!
Can't wait to see some pic's and here about it!
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