
Monday, August 11, 2008


ArtPact #63

(Also published on "Unchain My Art")

She sat there, alone.

A woman in her seventies. Her wonderful eyes emphasized by her penetrating, quiet beauty.

Waiting. For a friend, perhaps.

Well dressed with simple elegance, her hair perfectly done, save for some strands that took the liberty to get loose.

Natural and undyed, it had that silvery quality to it, which reminded me of my mom's hair that hairdressers refused to dye even when she asked them to. "There is no way I can make it prettier than it already is", they would always tell her. And they were right.

She sat there, austere, keeping to herself. Waiting.

I had to paint her.

previous ArtPact... ArtPact

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Wow! Since my hair is this exact color, I have found my portrait painter! This is truly beautiful, beautiful. See! Now, this is painting!

Leona Helmsley?

Really, she does kinda look like her.

I really should not make comments on art, lol!
Pat, Thank you! judging by the tiny photo on your blog, you have a wonderful face which I would be thrilled to paint.

Blogauthor, Leona who? never heard of her before - so I had to Google her up. I can see some similarity, but naaaaaaa, it's not her at all.
what a beautiful portrait of a woman I would so like to know.
thank you for sharing this...
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