
Saturday, December 08, 2007


ArtPact #42

(Also published on "Unchain My Art").

I love the
gold gesso version of MistyN I did last week. I really do. And yet, I kinda felt it had a religious feel to it. To prove my suspicion, JimmyB commented, "For me, it evokes a Madonna-esque quality". WebbieM even congratulated me on entering my "religious period".


That is exactly what I did not want. I have nothing against such paintings, but it was not my intention. I wanted to capture the moment, the expression, the light... I agree the pose lends itself to Madonna-ish associations, but I want to take a road less traveled.

So, loyal to WackieM's challenge, I tossed the dice again. Came up with a yellow (Cadmium Yellow Deep), a red (Permanent Red) and a blue (Cerulean Blue). Ahhhh - an obvious color triad, AGAIN!!

"Oh no!", I exclaimed to The JohnnyB who tried to point out that I am cheating by not going with what the dice had in store for me. "No way!".

Accompanied by his look of disdain, I threw the dice again, praying for a weird color combination. . .

. . . beware what you wish for!

There it was:
- Permanent Green #1
- Cobalt Violet Light
- Douchrome Cactus Flower!!! (yup, I have such a paint tube; in my defense - for the horrified artists among you - I bought it at a moment of weakness; it looked gorgeous on the supplier's website! I am only human!!).


- - - My.

- - - - - - God.

The JohnnyB, seeing my expression, snickered "Happy now?", and went to gloat in the living room.

Well, I did say I want a wacky combo, right? so now it was time to pick up the gauntlet and the hideous combination of paints. Again, I couldn't resist the urge, and started a painting at 10:30pm, totally at loss as for what do I do with such colors!

And then I realized that when you get kicked out of your comfort zone, you just have to activate your brain, get creative, go beyond, push the envelope and other clichés.

I did.

"Cactus Flower", Watercolor W/N CP Paper, 11" x 10"

previous ArtPact ... ArtPact

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Hmmmm. The other does look a little Virgin Mary like. But this one is really cool!

Hmm... et tu, Blogauthor?

I do like this one a lot - cool is a great complement, thank you :-)

Could be praying. Could be playing Scrabble. Hard to say.
Oh, I love how you captured the feeling of Mary at the Annunciation! Well done.

Just kidding.

This exercise reminds me of the freedom that comes with limited choices and resources. Less can be more. Decisions are limited to what you have before you.

Was it frustrating working with the weird color combination - or was it easier than you anticipated once you got into it? In what way does this exercise expand you beyond cliches??
Blueberry, I love the way you think!!! :-)

Simple Blog Writer, OK, that was just mean... yup - sometimes, limited choices actually does give more freedom; sounds like a paradox, but it really isn't. In fact, was more intrigued than frustrated, and as I didn't care much about the result, I just had fun with the process - and at some point realized it's actually going somewhere good.

Beyond clichés - it taught me to never say 'never', and to always see the silver lining ;-)
Seriously, it made me realize there is no such thing as a wrong color combination, and it opened me to trying unthinkable colors on traditional subjects, as it's a refreshing change.

I really like the colors.

I think she looks more like she's contemplating kicking someones butt. It's like she's collecting her thoughts, trying to remain calm.
Wow, Rhonda - have you been watching over my back today? you've just described my exact mood today!! and I wonder - were you also having such a day?
gorgeous. i want it for my wall. seriously.
okay, really. can i buy it? or a print?
Welcome to my blog, Miss Eliza!!

This painting still not in its fully-finished stage. If you are serious, leave me your email by leaving a comment and deleting it (I get comment notification). Regardless - THANK YOU!! I'm flattered!

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