
Tuesday, September 02, 2008


Art Pact #65

(Also published on "Unchain My Art")

Still not really painting, but I hope for a change soon.

One of the big shows of the year is coming up. This year it's going to be a bit different, as - in addition to the usual show and reception, we'll be having an auction, with the sales profits going to the
Shelter Box Project.

And, with the judge and auctioneer being Stefan Baumann from
The Grand View TV show. Should be a very interesting reception.

Anyway - as I said in the previous post, we could each submit up to 3 artworks for this show for them to be juried.

Last week we got the verdict of who got in, with how many pieces.

All my 3 pieces made it, plus this one, a photograph that I am donating for the auction:

Since the passing year was a very non-painting one for me, I entered one painting (the serious dude shown at the top of this post - sorry, there was simply no way to photograph this painting in a way that will do him justice!), with the others being photographs.

Hey - photography is art, too!

The theme of the show is Earth Expressions, and we were asked to write something that connects the piece to the theme. With a great help for The JohnnyB, some cool titles and blurbs were created.

Hanging and reception is next Friday, as well as the awards announcements.

In my pre-Plantar Fasciitis days, I have volunteered to help hang the show. Need to see if my foot will back me up on that task.

Stay tuned.

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These are really good Nava! I'm not surprised they made it in!
So, is there a "prize" to be won?

It's great to not be boxed in by the definition of what is art.
All three of yours sure qualify and that portrait at the top is just fab

I don't miss the parts you didn't include. You captured a moment and an expression with just the right strokes.

Have lots of fun at the show.
Rhonda, Thanks - and yes, there are awards. We'll know next Friday.

Bonnie, Glad you like them. True art has many forms, that's why I joined this organization, as you can exhibit anything visual without having the watercolor police knock on your door at 3am arresting you for using a pigment that is not fully transparent.
Hi, Nava,

My absolute favorite is the middle one, the footprints! Maybe because I just took similar photos underdeath a bridge in Boston. I am inspired to work on them now after seeing yours! The color palette is so interesting in yours as well! I love textural photographs and would love to read what you wrote about each one. Is that possible? Good luck with it.

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