
Tuesday, August 26, 2008


Sentence of The Month: August

It's been a while since I last had a Sentence of The Month post.

Well, time flies. Plus, some sentences have to be censored, this not being an anonymous blog.


I am still nursing my Plantar Fasciitis, rolling my foot on a frozen water bottle (Ouch!), nibbling on anti inflammatory pills, sleeping with a splint, wearing sandals at home (Naot sandals, as the good doctor said, are the best!), putting on those butt-ugly elastic bandages whenever I leave the house (yes, with closed shoes, yes, in the heat of August). never felt so elegant in my life... But, y'know, it's actually working!


The JohnnyB and I were driving back from San Francisco on Saturday (we went up there for the Women Impressionists exhibit at the Legion of Honor Museum, which we saw at a record time of less than 20 minutes due to the JohnnyB's deep interest in art... but that's another story). After a visit to the art store and a wonderful dinner at one of our very favorite restaurants (an Ethiopian heaven that has some amazing dishes, with Kitfo being our ultimate #1 choice), we were heading back home.

I was examining with sheer disgust my excess weight that seems to have accumulated since we came back from our British Columbia trip.

"We really need to exercise more", I said to The JohnnyB.

"Yup", he agreed.

"And we need to eat healthier", I added.

"Yup", he elaborated.

"And cook more at home", I pondered.

"Yup", he surprised me yet again.

"And have more veggies", I promised, awaiting the next 'Yup' in the series.

"And more shopping", he said.


"More shopping", he explained to the slow-witted, "You don't do enough shopping. You really should shop more".


Ah - the dream of every material girl: a husband who wants her to shop more. Sorry, y'all gals, he is taken!

Quick to realize his fatal slip of the tongue as he saw the glint in my eyes, the joy in my face and my blissful smile, The JohnnyB turned greenish-white and shrieked, "No... I meant grocery shopping.... No..... Nooooooooooo!!!".

But it was too late.

He wants me to shop more, and being the obedient wife that I am, so I shall.

Anything to make you happy, The JohnnyB!


previous Sentence of The Month... Sentence of The Month

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oh he is a gem and so sensitive!!!

Too late!! "More shopping" has been uttered, and there are no takebacks.
It's even worse - I never did realize that the gleam in Nava's eyes was her understanding my sentence as "shopping in general", while I thought it was clear it was about food, so she had to spell it out for me...

Nava: You mean you want me to go out shopping more often?
JohnnyB: Yes.
Nava: So I don't shop enough?
JohnnyB: Yes.
Nava: And you want me to shop more?
JohnnyB: Yes - there's frequently not much healthy options on what to eat.
Nava: Who's talking about food?

This isn't a "take-back" situation - it's a clarification...


(as JohnnyB hopes and prays that we're not already bankrupt...)
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