
Monday, December 04, 2006


And - He Is Well. Again.

OK then, at least this time I did not get a flood of queries about the well-being of The JohnnyB.

Apparently, y'all still have some common sense, and can separate the weed from the chaff.

The JohnnyB was sick, alright, but only for 3 days.

And now he is back to his good old self, rosy cheeked and crankily jolly.

I, mind you, am still sick.
For the 9th day.
Sneezing and blowing and red-eyed and pretty much feeling (and probably looking) like a wet mop.

Which reminds me that none of you, dear compassionate readers, bothered to ask me about my well-being.

OK then, forget the weed-n-chaff compliment you just got.

It's all the same to you, Eh?

Going to make myself some more tea.

(And no, we do not have gin at home. Nor Tonic).

And no, The JohnnyB is not into the tea-making business.
He is healthy now, y'see.
He does not need tea...




In my own defense, I did have a long discussion with JohnnyB about exactly what kind of gin he should get you for the gin and tonic remedy. This occurred about a week ago. I don't know if he followed through. It's hard for me to deliver gin 1200 miles away, though I guess I could have had some shipped from

Next time, I won't rely on JohnnyB. I should really have known better.

I now see a more complete picture...which I can relate to as well as most women across the world...that you were a practical nurse of sorts. You didn't complain about your own state of well being...but faithfully took care of your beloved. Your sacrifical love is a testament to all women.
Get well soon Nava.
CherkyB, of course The Johnny did not follow through. Perhaps he is still consulting the ConsumerReports oracle about which gin is best recommended, while I slowly shrivel away...

Rhonda, I think my sacrificial love should rather be a warning to all women... ;-)

Poor Fuzzy Diddums!!
The amount of martyrdom that goes on around here is quite alarming.
I was about to say I didn't get a lot of tea the day I was sicker than Nava.

But, when I got home today, Nava asked me if I wanted a cup of tea as I was sitting down, and I fell for in the trap, and answered "Yes" instead of saying "Yes, and can I make you one, darling?", so I should probably keep stum.
...and quite an interesting martyrdom:
A Jew slaving for a 75% German...
Rings a bell?

Jack Daniels in Jasmine Tea.

Ahhhhh... Hits the spot, don't ya know.

Come on 4:30!!!

(And hope yer feelin' better SOON as well.)
BTW, BrainkyP has a pretty bad cold. Can you send some tea to work with JohnnyB for him tomorrow?
You must be confused...
Sending tea with The JohnnyB?
No way!
I'll go to that work place and make the tea myself, like a true martyr.

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