
Saturday, December 02, 2006


The JohnnyB Is Sick. Again.

Too drained to report it again.
All energy went into playing the role of the tea-making-maid (not to mention the roll of the eyes).

And, honestly, it's pretty much the same .

Gotta go.

Kettle boiling.



Gin and tonic. I'm telling you.

Hey, you wanna hear a funny story? Back during the nine days of vacation hell, I was yahoo messengering with The Sister, aka Ellie, who was interested to know how everyone was doing, as she had been following along back at the old blog. I mentioned that I was sick, and she said, "I thought you were just sick a couple weeks ago."

No. That was JohnnyB.

I mean, what is with the f'? Confusing me, someone known for 20 years and a member of the fambly, with JohnnyB, someone never even met. What is this strange power JohnnyB holds over womens?
Women, kids and animals.

Don't know if it's my charisma, lumberjack good looks, amazing humor, or the bacon I keep in my pocket.

Actually, I know on Nava it wasn't the bacon, it made her sick. Something about not growing up eating smoked pork fat.

But it does still work on animals and kids.
Well, Duh!

I hate to say "told you so", but - I did.

I complained about that mystery exactly, and you even had the ultimate reason for the powerful spell he has.
I know it's not your amazing sense of humor. That's for damn sure.
I do sincerely hope - for your own sake, CherkyB - that the comment above is aimed at The JohnnyB. . .

. . .and if that is the case: How very dare you?

The rules are that in order to pick on The JohnnyB, you need to be married to him, or at least live under threat of the hazards that come with his eternal resourcefulness.

Ain't no such thing as a free lunch!

The JohnnyB can affect my career in a negative fashion if he so chooses. And, just FYI, in the blogosphere (and in the barfosphere as well), I have dibs on making fun of The JohnnyB. You, young lady, are a newcomer who is copying my shtick. I've been nice enough about it so far, since it seemed like you were trying to develop your own shtick with all the artsy-fartsy stuff, but don't go planting your flag in my territory.
So that's what it's like when you are nice enough? Interesting.

OK, I guess you are somewhat exposed to the hazards of The JohnnyB.
Fine, you are qualified.

Territorialist, Eh?
But today is Flag Planting Day!

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