
Wednesday, March 28, 2007


Book, Soup & A Miserable Look

Book. Soup. And, that look.
The JohnnyB. Sick. Again.
Need to make some tea.

This Haiku pretty much captures it all. This time it's a sore throat, hopefully to pass soon.

But, like, he's at home, which does not make me thrilled with happiness, y'know.

I've got things to do, matters to settle, meeting minutes to write, newsletter to Email out and get complaints about downloading, paintings to frame - and am yearning for some time to just sit and relax, but, well, not today.

We're also having some peoples coming to visit in about 3 hours..
We were supposed to get together for dinner with - Ah, too complicated to explain the relation, and they are not quite relatives, and we really like them a lot.

But now that The JohnnyB is sick, they said they will just come by to say Hi from a distance, so they don't tire him and don't catch whatever he is carrying and is very willing to share with the world, being the generous soul that he is.

"just come by to say Hi"..., that puts me in a hysterical frenzy of tidying up the messy premises that our house has become in the past 2 weeks when I had no time to breathe. Paintings all over, mat boards and frames, garnished with foam core, and a mat cutter that's patiently awaiting in the corner to start working full-time.

And I am starting to have a huge headache, and some weird sense in my front teeth
(no, I am not from Kentucky - I have more than these two, but whenever the flu is about to arrive, that's its way to RSVP).

OK, I shall go turn myself to a Stepford wife, and straighten out the house while walking on my tiptoes in order to not wake the napping The JohnnyB, who - before falling asleep, said with an utterly offended expression on his impressively-pinkish-face-for-a-sick-person:

"I don't know if you love me for who I am, or for the blog material that I provide".

Well, Duh.



Cool Haiku. Why is
it always so hard to find
the five-seven-five?

Thank you for saying Kentucky instead of North Carolina. :)

I hate having guests come by, it means cleaning. YUCK! Hope you are both better soon - headache and sore throat.
To Yev:

I dunno. Maybe
we can change the rules someday?
how 'bout two-five-six?


Had no idea North Carolina is also a two-teeth state.
Apparently, I have so much to learn for the citizenship exam, when the time comes...

Well, I have learned to clean after the guests are gone.
Guests, as we all know, tend to mess and dirtify (yes, dirtify!), especially when kids are involved, so why bother? and why get angry?
So, I just make the house look nice and tidy (except for my studio), then I apologize profusely for the mess and dirt (y'know, just to get the "Oh-no-what-are-you-talking-about-you-should-see-what-our-house-looks-like-really-it-is-OK-do-not-bother-on-our-account-we-are-just-so-happy-to-get-together-with-you-guys-and-can-we-please-see-your-paintings").

Works like magic every time.

My sister has also adopted this system, and she is a much, much happier and relaxed woman ever since.

Give it a try.

Unless you are running for the Stepford Wives presidency. Which I somewhow think you are not.

We actually had a lot of fun with the guests - they were on their way back from the jellybean factory tour, and the two kids asked us which is our favorite flavor - and then enthusiastically dug out with their little dirty hands all the beans of that flavor.
I now have a bowl of plum-flavored jelly beans, and The JohnnyB got his raspberry bean fix.
Would have been beter if I hadn't seen the younger kid picking his nose, but Oh well...

Two Tooth States:

North Carolina

Kentucky is the most fun to say. I have lived most of my life in two of these places.

As far as cleaning up for a 'say hi,' that's the worst. Too much effort, so little return.
West-By-God-Pennsyltuckyhio is more of a region than a state, but it is liberally sprinkled with enclaves of Two-Toothishness.

Luckily I live up yonder, north of most o' that madness and unhygenity.


With the nose-picker picked out, it was really a pretty smart move goin' with Plum & 'Berry as favorite flavors. Any incidental or residual finger-work should stand out 'gainst those colors.

le Chaim! seems a pertinent wish to the both o' yuns right now, eh. Feel better!
Actually, we invite company over in large part because it motivates us to clean. We don't always make the effort for ourselves...

And I see your "dirtify" and raise you a "spotless-ize". (Turtar's parents used to tell him and his brothers to 'spotless-ize' the kitchen or the bathroom, or maybe even the whole house.)
I think Mississippi, Arkansas, Louisiana, Georgia and Oklahoma are feeling offended right now. Unless they pride themselves more on being toothless.

Having your state called "two toothed" is better than having it called the place that George Dubya is from (even though he was born in Connecticut). At least he doesn't favor my funky liberal town even though he was forced to live here while he was guv.
I humbly apologize to all offended, insulted and appalled.

I did not mean to generalize and say that other states do not have two-teeth peoples.

I don't know much about this country, as you can see, and only follow what I get here and there.

I don't even speak English!!!

I am taking the Fifth from now on.
(this much I know :-)

nava: Next time you invite guests over pretend that you are sick and let The JohnnyB do all the cleaning. You can always make a miraculous recovery right before your guests arrive. Hope your two teeth feel better.
Ah, Walkin Wife - only she who does not know The JohnnyB can suggest such a naive plan.

My teeth graciously thank you for your concern.
All seven of them.

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