
Wednesday, November 22, 2006


My Sister, Where Art Thou?

Today I tried, yet again, to convince my sister to have a look at my blog.

As you may recall, she is not very keen on the English language
(except when The JohnnyB speaks it, as then she becomes all sweet and fluent, infected with this virus that causes the world to melt upon his smile).

"I started to put photos in my blog", I allured her over the phone this morning. "And also a drawing of NitzkuA!". (her grandson).

"Yes, but I cannot open your blog", she confessed.

"???", I raised my eyebrows.

"I deleted the mail that you sent me, you know, the one that had your blog, so I cannot see your blog again", she said with deep regret.

"Ah, that... Well, you don't really need it", I calmed her down.

"What????", she astounded from thousands of miles away.

"You can enter my blog without that Email", I assured her.

"But your blog was in the Email!",
she reprimanded.

"OK... let me show you how to get to the blog", I said patiently, understanding it's gonna be a long phone call...

You see, as opposed to her young sister, who slaved for Intel for 9 long years, and runs big chunks of her life around the computer ever since, my sister has had a much healthier life, away from keyboards and screens and traitorous applications.
She is one of the most intelligent people I know, extremely bright and smart and clever and witty (Ok, OK, I'll admit it: it does run in the family), and I love her to death.
And yet, when you tell her
"open a window", she goes to the window and opens it, letting the breeze in...

"Do you know what a blog is?", I went back to basics, feeling my way around, very cautiously.

"Of course I know!!!!", she said, offended.

Now, many a people accept the fact that they are not exactly a computer savvy, and thus, when you try to help them in that area, they listen to you with attentive eyes, and become grateful forever.
My sister is not quite one of them.
She is not the obedient type, either. Definitely not when it comes to her younger sister.
First, she argues, to be on the safe side; then she tries to complete your sentences and guess what you are about to say; and then she throws some wise-crack into the air, in attempt to hide the fact that she doesn't understand.
"I don't see why Intel is still making electronic chips", she exclaimed to me, one unforgettable day, years ago, when I was still a devoted Intelloid. "This is so passe. Everyone else have already switched to Silicone.". . .

"OK, open the Internet", I guided my one and only sister.

"Why?", she asked suspiciously.

"'Because I want to show you how to get to my blog", I explained, patiently.

"But what does the Internet have to do with your blog?", she asked with sheer contempt, going back to the days when she was 24 and I was 12.

"Ahm... well... my blog is on the Internet",
I declared.

"REALLY?" - now, that really impressed her!
Her own little sister, on the Internet. Wow!

"Really. Now, open the Internet, p-l-e-a-s-e", I begged.

"No, but wait", she said, somewhat distrustfully, "are you sure?".

"Yes, I am", I took an oath.

"So - you mean the blog is not in the Email?", she inquired.

"It's not", I promised.

"I mean the Email that I deleted", she tried to enlighten me.

"I know what you meant. It really is not in that Email", I whispered, reverting to the very last reserves of patience I keep for cases of emergency.

"Why not?", she got philosophical.

"A blog has nothing to do with Email", I said through my gathering tears.

"Aha! So why is it, when I open the Internet, it always opens on the Email page?", she beamed, triumphantly.

"'cause that's what the home page was set to", I choked, starting to feel a bit dizzy.

"Who did it?", she demanded to know.

"I don't know", I confessed. (I have the perfect alibi: :l am here, away from her computer!)

"You sure about that?".


"Oh, OK".

And now, in my white hair and very weary eyes, I shall wait and see if she ever gets in.
If nothing else, this post should bring her roaring... Eh, NatiG?



Some things are better left untold...

Why's that, Gal?
Pot, Kettle, Black.

I have the same basic conversation with Nava, who, despite working at Intel for 9 years, managed to learn very little about computers.

And that guessing, not letting you finish a sentence, and going off on a tangent in the middle? Oh yeah, that runs in her family.
Et Tu, The JohnnyB?
אז הנה נכנסתי לך, מקווה שאפשר לקרוא את העברית שלי. צחקתי עד מאד לקרוא את עלילותיה של פזית (רינת) בעיר הגדולה (אינטרנט). אבל אבקש ממך לשחרר אותי מקריאה על בסיס קבוע בבלוגך. אמנם שפת הניכר לא זרה לי, אך בסוף יום כשעיני כהות וידי כבדות, עומס השורות מכביד על נפשי ומיד נוחתת עלי עייפות רבה ועפעפי נשמטים להם מטה.
אי לכך, אודה לך מאד אם תוכלי להסב את תשומת ליבי מפעם לפעם לכתבות מעניינות במיוחד/כתבות הנוגעות לענייני (ראה סעיף פזית בעיר הגדולה) למען אוכל להשתתף בשמחה
אז ביי בינתיים
ונשיקות רבות

ועל כך היה אבא שח: "תלעגי, תלעגי" ו/או מצקצק "ומי מי מי הדרררררק הזה עם החינוך זבל שמשמיסה אחותה
ואמא מזלז"ל היתה נזעקת בבעתה "הה באמת לא יפה, אל תכתבי כך שלא ישמחו, מסכנה.
ואני אומרת - העיקר האופי
אסקופה אנונימית.
אני כה גאה בך, אחותי שלי (אהמ... ז'תומרת, אסקופה אנונימית)
מה שלא הצליחו כמה וכמה מחברי ההמוחשבים למשעי, עשית את ללא עפעוף, והשארת הערה משמחת.

.כן ירבו

:ולמען אמא, שלא ישמחו הגויים

I am so very proud of you, my sister, for managing to do what several of my computerized friends failed to do, and actually leaving a comment.
Actually, we managed to leave some comments at our second try, so we feel proud, too!
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