
Saturday, December 16, 2006


A Little Lunch For Thought (TM) #4

So, Carter is now trying to get out of the mess he has created for himself (and sadly, for others).

As reported, he has issued a letter to American Jews, "clarifying his use of the word in recent book on Israel-Palestinian conflict. . . explaining the use of the term 'apartheid' in his new book on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, and sympathizing with Israelis who fear terrorism".

What a dear dear man!
How sweet of him.
Ohhh - let me wipe a tear of gratitude from the corner of my eye.

And then the other.

And I can't help wondering:
If someone feels strongly enough to write one's feelings and opinions in a book, and find a selling title for it, why does one suddenly fold and start apologizing and explaining that one actually did not really mean it this way... and one actually likes Jews a lot... and one just looooooves Falafel... and what a lovely accent Israelis have...

And one did not really mean Apartheid per se, Nooooooooooo!!!
One meant A Pad Thai (*)... or was it Appetite?
Well, whateva. One was hungry when one chose the title, y'see, and ooopsi - it got to the print!

And, if I may ask: why address only American Jews?
There are many others who will suffer the consequences of this book.
I am not quite sure how to put it, but let me just say it out in the open (I sure hope I am not surrendering any highly confidential secrets here):

Y'know, recent comprehensive researches have proven beyond doubt that there are Jews not only in America.
Can you imagine?!?
They are - so inconveniently - all over the place. Hell, there are even a couple in Israel!
What a coincidence! Isn't it that Apartheid place?!

Yes, someone did try to get rid of them a while ago, but kinda failed, Alas.
Oh, wait... I might be speaking too soon!
There's still a debate happening.
The holocaust hasn't been voted on, as of yet.
I apologize, dear readers, for my hastily wild assumptions and vivid imagination.
Until proven otherwise, by the geniuses in that conference, the holocaust has not happened.
It was just a fairytale, made up by evil parents to force their little kids to finish their dinner, "or else, bad uncle Hitler will come and get you and tickle you with his mustache".

Those tatooed numbers on the arms are Henna! What a funny, funny hoax! They come off, y'see, especially if you use gas.

Stay tuned, as the next debate, so I hear, is September 11th.

But back to my main man.
Apparently, "The group's chairman, Rabbi Andrew Straus, said he was "very appreciative" of the letter and believes Carter is sincere, but disagrees with the use of 'apartheid'".
Sincere... yeah, right!
Carter reminds me of those spineless criminals who start crying in court, whining their deep remorse for what they did, apologizing to the victim's relatives.
Not because they regret it. But because now they are in trouble.
They are also sincere.

This apologetic clarification is perceived as so lame and pathetic, and it is so clear he (or his party?) is afraid to lose the support of American Jews, that he's better off without it.
Either be man enough to stand behind what you wrote, or have the integrity to say "Fuck y'all, I wanted to provoke and have a catchy-title and be in the spotlight and sell many many books".
And if you really didn't mean it literally, be wise enough to not publish it in the first place.

It's not like it was a slip of the tongue, Eh?
A slip of the keyboard can always be edited and reconsidered - and, if need, deleted.

And here's a thought (as the title promises), assuming Carter is reading my blog (which I am sure he is):

If you really do empathize so much with Israel, and if you really do "understand Israelis' fear of terrorism, and reiterate strong condemnation of any such acts of terrorism", and you are so filled with touchy-feely emotions -
- -
- - - why don't you put your money where your mouth is, and donate all the profits from your book to the war on terror?

Now, THAT would be sincere.

(*) Thank you, The JohnnyB

previous little lunch... little lunch

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I'd say the Grin's first mistake is givin' a flyin' blart what any gaggle of delusional religious nutters have to say on the issue.

Israel, a Wonderful - w/ heinous caveats - nation which is productive and egalitarian (exceptin' those caveated) beyond the norm for the Mideast, is truly deserving of protection and respect and admiration.

It is also Very Much In Teh Wrong! by maintaining an Institutionalized commitment to segregation and sectarianism. It is ruled under the aegis of Religious Law and even Israelis who don't ascribe to fundamentalist Judaism suffer needlessly - though many don't give the aforementioned flyin' thing about it - from an indisputable archaic reliance on their own variation of the God Delusion.

If Israel wants to be considered faultless in its bloody war of attrition with the Palenstinian folks, it MUST, without equivocation, remove those religious proscriptions from its national raison d'etre.


(Muhuhahahaha! We've sucked you into our politicized posting Cabal! Welcome and Well met, Nava! Well met, indeed!)

Funny that the most democratic country in the Middle East is called Aparthied.

Those that are run by a family of "Presidents" (Syria), a monarchy (Saudi Arabia), or a democratic system where most opposition parties are outlawed (Iran, Egypt), and use their military forces to crush any free speech, are not called out.

The worst thing that can happen, from most current Middle East (Iran, Syria, Egypt, Saudi Arabia) governments point of view, is for Israel and the Palestinians to resolve their issues. Then there people might actually look at their leaders and say "What the frack have you been doing for 40 years - we've gone nowhere."

Only Jordan and Lebanon seem to be making any progress, and their the ones who don't blame Israel for everything.

I used to think Carter was a good man - poor President, but a good man who tried to improve the world.

Now I think he's an idiot. It's classic baid & switch - the title is supposed to make you intriqued "how could this guy say that", buy the book, and read his work. From reviews and his comments, what he says inside isn't as harsh. But, bait & switch is bullshit.

And we don't want bullshit from (a) leaders, (b) people we respect, or (c) people who believe they're on a mission from God. We get it all the time, but that's why we're so disappointed in the politics, community and religion today - way to much bullshit.

Jimmy - since Nava says you read this blog - you used to be a hero of mine, for the great work you did after your presidency. Now you're just another idiot.
You've been tagged!

Maybe, just maybe, you already have a book in mind... but it's supposed to be the nearest book, and in my case the book I was reading was in a different part of the house and not the closest one when tagged.
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