
Tuesday, June 12, 2007


ArtPact #21

I'm back.

- - - We're back.

Landed Monday morning, after a very long last day in Israel and two endless flights (never, EVER take the morning flight from Newark to San Francisco! NEVER!!!! It's full of elite-status business travelers, namely selfish pretentious smug jerks who take all the space with their enormous multiple carry-ons and you end up being forced to check-in your carry-on with the precious and fragile stuff you carefully put in it. WTF happened to "one normal-sized carry-on bag per person", Eh???).

We're now working on recovering from the jetlag. The JohnnyB woke up at 3:15am yesterday, improved with waking at 4:30am today (and hopefully will reach normal time by next week...), while I seem to be doing fine, so far, waking up around 6:30am or 7am, and even that is just 'cause The JohnnyB is waking me to say Goodbye before leaving to work.

Our visit was filled with family, Hebrew, places, wonderful food, grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrreat coffee (Ah, nothing like Arcafe!!!). We even had great beer at the Golan Brewery (I leave it to The JohnnyB to blog about this one).

On the other hand, it turned out into one of those visits that became family-confined, and so, unfortunately, of all the wonderful friends I have there, we only met with two couples. :-(

Lesson to be learned for the next visit.

Anyway - in a
previous ArtPact, I said I created a collage that I could not post. I made it for my sister, from a photo of her with her very first grandson, when he was 10 days old (this tiny baby is now a very sweet bright 4.5 years old). I gave it to her the first day I arrived to Israel, and - here it is, soon to be framed and hung on her wall.

Hey, I can now say that my art is collected internationally... ;-)

previous ArtPact ... ArtPact

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Welcome back to the Home of the Brave and the Land of the Think They're Free but In Fact Are Having Their Freedoms Eroded Daily By Right Wing Fundamentalists!!

Glad to know you're recovering from jetlag and I'm sure you're raring to get at those collage tissues!! Loved the Mom and Child one!

Omigawd! I missed you sooo much!


(Intitials for Right Wing Fundamentalis)
Hey Girl!!

I have been wondering about you and thinking you were due back any day. Sure missed your WTF's and other great acronyms!

Welcome home!!

Valerie, Whoa, wait... I've just come back - too early for political venting, Eh?

Dear RWF Anonumous, I'm truly touched by how much you missed me. Would mean much more if I had an idea of who you are...

Mike, Feels good to be home. WTF have you been doing while I was gone? ;-)
Welcome back ya Luckies! Sounds like all the family stuffs got caught up sos next time y'all can get to Partyin'!


And I do like the tissue collages. More please!

Oh, IS JB gonna tell us 'bout the beer joint? Aaahh... We'll find out soon enough, eh.

Welcome back again.
Nava I'm so glad you're back!!!
There's no-one to fill your shoes in da blogger world!!! Not no-one not nobody!!!

Love this collage. It looks so real.
Welcome back!! Glad that ClockyB has not been an obnoxious pest during your jet lag.

The collage is wonderful.
MichaelBaines,If only... I do hope The JohnnyB will blog it. So far, he is still in the jetlag zone, and is quite pissed about it. More collages? Ahm... well... yeah, sure!

Rhonda, you never ever exaggerate... Love that abut you :-)

Blueberry, Believe it or not, my sister asked me to get her a ClockyB, so now we have two in the family. I told her she's insane.
WELCOME HOME!!! Awesome collage, that is just amazing.
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