
Friday, July 27, 2007


Put A Ribbon In Your Hair

Valerie sent this to me (perhaps as a reprehensive response to me bashing The JohnnyB on yesterday's blog?...). Thanks, Val, for the reminder! One should always strive to grow, be better, and, Hmm, get "immense personal satisfaction".

And now, if you'll excuse me, I'll go tend to The JohnnyB, gracefully arrange his pillow and humbly offer to take off his shoes. I think I'll skip the ribbon, though, as - alas - I do not have the hair of a perfect Stepford Wife.

Still, I shall speak in a low, soothing and pleasant voice.
Of course I will.

After all, a good wife always knows her place, Eh?

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A good wife never complains...
Isn't that somewhere in that article?
he he...
I have that article somewhere...a friend gave it to me.
I showed Mark and we both had a rambunctious laugh.
I think his laugh may have been motivated different than mine. Still, we laughed.

I find it bizarre that womens never seem to take this stuff seriously. And then they wonder why they're always unhappy.
Rhonda, I suspect Mark's laugh was the kind you laugh rather than cry. I guess you laughing so hard made it clear for him there is no hope...

CherkyB, It might very well be that maybe we have finally found the road to happiness. OK then, from now on, I'll always have a ribbon. Anything for happiness!
Since you haven't got the hair for a ribbon, may I suggest tying the ribbon around a beer? I'm pretty sure The JohnnyB would be OK with that.
"Remember, he is the Master of the house. You have no right to question him." That's my favorite. 1955, huh? A good year. A very good year for the women's movement.

When I lived in DC, I lived in a building with a bunch of retirees, and I actually saw the original article in a magazine down in the laundry room--I should have snagged it! (I didn't realize it's worth, I guess.) A ribbon around John's beer would just make it harder to hold on to. A little sandwich would probably be appreciated, but stay away from his feet--don't touch the King's feet!
I got no ribbon, no beer, no sandwich!

Not even the "Listen to him... Let him talk first."

Oh well - back to reality.
I've had that thing tacked up in my office for years. I'm glad it's now considered funny. That's progress!

I like how you aren't supposed to get mad at him even if he stays out all night.

"Be a little gay and a little more interesting..." Well, that certainly would be more interesting, wouldn't it?
Interesting, how men and women react differently to this one. I am still trying to decide which sentence is my own favorite - too many to choose from.
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